With the constantly developing of software technology and
partition management technology, more and more types of
partition magic software are emerging in the present software market, but most of them are either poor-qualified or have poor compatibility with certain operating systems. When choosing one piece of professional partition magic software, compatibility should be considered firstly. In addition, whether a partition magic software is powerful enough to realize various partition management operations or not should also be taken as a significant feature. In this case, it is strongly suggested to employ the professional partition magic software which can be downloaded from the website:
http://www.partition-magic.com/. This powerful partition magic software not only has great compatibility with all kinds of Windows operating systems, but also provides users with rather comprehensive partition management functions.
Next, let me give you some details about this professional partition magic software:
In main interface, select any partition, and click on "
Partition" menu, and then we will find all kinds of partition management functions such as
move/resize partition,
merge partition,
copy partition,
delete partition,
change cluster size, and so on.
By right clicking any
dynamic volume, we can find the dynamic volume management functions in the shortcut menu as the following picture shows:
In the shortcut menu, we can see this partition magic software is able to resize volume,
change volume letter, and
change volume cluster size, etc.
In addition, the disk management functions can be found by selecting any disk and clicking on "
Disk" menu:
In the menu, we can find all kinds of powerful disk management functions including initialize to MBR/GPT disk, and rebuild MBR, etc.
After reading this introduction, we can see how powerful this partition magic software is. If you want to promote the system efficiency of your computer, try this partition magic software now!